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Behavioral retargeting

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Behavioral retargeting (also known as behavioral search retargeting, or simply, retargeting) is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is delivered to consumers based on previous Internet actions that did not in the past result in a conversion[1]

Various Internet Marketing companies have added retargeting to their list of methods of purchasing advertising.[2]

Some companies, such as AdRoll [3], Veruta, Chango or FetchBack, specialize in Retargeting. Retargeting helps companies advertise to the 98% of people who visit a website but leave without converting. This is done by displaying ads to the prospect as they surf the internet via various ad networks that the agency buys media from on behalf of their Business Customers. Most likely a company has spent marketing dollars to get a customer to their site in the first place, so the term Retargeting is derived from the concept of marketing to them again, however in a different manner.

Studies suggest that a company needs to have seven different 'contacts' with a customer (on average) before they make a purchase. Retargeting is allowing companies to continue the marketing conversation with a customer after they leave a website. This form of behavioral targeting is a growing trend in the online marketing arena
