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Exit strategy

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In business, an exit strategy, exit plan, or strategic withdrawal, is a way to transition one's ownership of a company, presumably, for a maximum value. Those who own the company typically want to plan ways they can recoup the capital invested in the company, along with an acceptible return on that investment.

Common exit strategies

Shuttering operations

A less appealing, but sometimes necessary, exit strategy is to shut down or shutter a business, or a portion of a business.

Exit strategy advisers

Several types of professionals are available to guide you through selling a business. Depending on the size and field of your business, some of the professionals you may want to consult include: lawyers, accountants, business brokers, auctioneers, tax experts, bankers, and the IRS. Seek referrals from satisfied customers and trusted business associates in your industry or area. Also, in your area, you may seek couseling from such non-profit organizations as SCORE or Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs). 

See also

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