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Hartford, Connecticut

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Hartford is the capital of the U.S. state of Connecticut, in Hartford County. It is located on the Connecticut River, near the center of the state. As of the 2000 census, it has a population of 121,578, but a July 1, 2002 Census estimate put the city's population at 124,558. It is the second largest city in the state, after Bridgeport. Greater Hartford is also the 44th largest metro area in the country (2004 census estimate) with a population of 1,184,564.

The local economy

Greater Hartford is an international center of the insurance industry, with companies such as AETNA and The Hartford based in the city. The area is also home to Colt Firearms and large corporations like United Technologies (the parent corporation for Pratt & Whitney, Otis Elevator, Sikorsky Aircraft, Carrier Corporation, Hamilton Sundstrand, UTC Fire & Security and UTC Fuel Cells) and others.

This entry includes content from the following Wikipedia article: Hartford

See also


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